Travel Insurance

Whether you travel once a week, once a month, or once a year, it is always important to prend-of-the-world-1617154otect yourself from the unexpected. An unexpected illness or injury could ruin your plans and make a joyous trip very stressful. An unexpected weather change or flight delay can cause a great deal of financial loss. It is always better to be on the safe side. Come to Denikings Insurance & Investment Broker and let protect your journey with options for travellers insurance.

Protect Yourself

Travelling is very expensive in the world that we live in now. Why risk losing money or being stuck in a foreign place without any financial coverage in the event of a random event? We provide travellers with the most affordable and reliable insurance.

Manulife Financial offers the following travel insurance options:

  • Out of province/out of country travel insurance for Canadians
  • Visitors to Canada travel insurance
  • Student travel insurance

Travelling Canadians can choose from the following options:

  • Single-Trip Plan: Provides coverage for one trip for the number of days purchased. No age limit, but you will have to answer medical questions if you are over 55.
  • Quick Trip Plan: Provides coverage for one trip of fewer than 18 days for those 55-74. There are no eligibility questions for this option.
  • Multi-Trip Plan: Provides coverage for an unlimited number of trips during the policy year for the number of days purchased. Options of 4, 10, 18 and 30-day plans. No age limit.
  • All-Inclusive Plan: Provides several benefits all in one plan. It covers Emergency Medical, Trip Cancellation & Interruption, Baggage Loss, Delay & Damage, Flight Accident and Travel Accident.
  • Travel Canada Plan: Provides Emergency Medical Insurance if all travel is within Canada at 50% off the regular Single-Trip Emergency Medical Plan rates.
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption Plan: May be purchased as part of an All-Inclusive Plan or separately. If purchasing separately, the plan must be bought within eight days of booking your travel plans.

Click here to purchase Manulife Travel Insurance for out-of-province or out-of-country travel.

Purchase GMS or Allianz Global Assistance Insurance Online Here:

Call Denikings Insurance & Investment Broker today for more information about travellers insurance or to set up an appointment.

Travel Insurance

Disclaimer: Insurance, Investment and Mortgage products & services are provided by Devangkumar Shah.
Mutual Funds are sold through Shah Financial Planning Inc., the Mutual Fund Dealer.
Lotus Loans and Mortgage ltd. is the principal mortgage broker.

March 2025