Critical Illness

at-the-hospital-1327253-1279x1038A critical illness can be financially devastating. At Denikings Insurance & Investment Broker, we provide coverage for illness-related expenses not normally covered by standard medical insurance.

Coverage for Critical Illness

Critical illness insurance provides a lump-sum benefit in the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness. Because this type of insurance provides a cash benefit, you can choose to spend it in the way that makes the most sense for you, whether it’s to make your house payments, cover your medical bills, or even travel to receive care. With critical illness insurance, you can get the quality medical care you need without the financial stresses that come with it. You can keep your home, spend valuable time with family, and focus your energy on your recovery.

Protect yourself from the potential financial ravages of a major illness. Contact Denikings Insurance & Investment Broker today to learn more about our critical illness insurance program.

Manulife’s Lifecheque Basic Critical Illness Insurance offers:

  • Coverage for 5 major illnesses including cancer, heart disease, stroke, aeortic surgery and coronary artery bypass surgery.
  • Lump sum payments of $25,000, $50,000 or $75,000 with a Return of Premium option.
  • Coverage for applicants between the ages of 18 and 75.

Click here for more information on Lifecheque Basic Critical Illness insurance and to quote and apply on-line.

Watch the following videos for information about critical illness for kids and a claim story

Disclaimer: Insurance, Investment and Mortgage products & services are provided by Devangkumar Shah.
Mutual Funds license sponsored by Shah Financial Planning Inc.
Lotus Loans and Mortgage ltd. is the principle mortgage broker.

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March 2025