Personal Health and Dental plan

blood-glucose-meter-1318261-1280x960An employee health care plan isn’t available for all employees – therefore, they are left vulnerable to health care expenses that aren’t covered by the Canadian government plan.

Manulife Financial offers Health, Dental and Extended Health Care benefits with the following options:

  • Coverage for Individuals and Families
  • Coverage for those who are self-employed or those whose group benefits have been terminated

Flexcare offers 7 different health and dental plans (3 of which are guaranteed issue) and many add-on benefits so that you can design a health plan that best meets your specific needs.
Click here to learn more about Flexcare.

FollowMe offers 4 guaranteed issue plans which are designed to "bridge the gap" for people who are leaving a group plan due to job loss or retirement so that their health and dental coverage is not interrupted. As long as you apply within 60 days of leaving your group plan, you are guaranteed acceptance with FollowMe.
Click here to learn more about FollowMe.

Association Health and Dental plans offer 8 different plan choices with options for Dental only and Dental + Drug benefits.
Click here to learn more about the Association Health and Dental plans.

Comprehensive coverage will provide you and your family a number of health benefits for only a few dollars a day.

Have questions? Call Denikings Insurance and Investment Broker to book an appointment today!

Disclaimer: Insurance, Investment and Mortgage products & services are provided by Devangkumar Shah.
Mutual Funds license sponsored by Shah Financial Planning Inc.
Lotus Loans and Mortgage ltd. is the principle mortgage broker.

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March 2025